Introduction to Refrigerator

In almost every home in America maybe even the world, there is a refrigerator. This marvelous machine that can keep many things cool and preserve food.

With out a refrigerator much of our food cooked and not cooked would go bad in a short while. On many refrigerators there is also a freezer to keep stuff frozen and preserved even longer then the refrigerator can.

Refrigerators these days are getting larger, more organized chock full of great features like water dispensers and ice machines.

We really can take a refrigerator for granted sometimes. Just take a look back and see what they had to do to keep food good. Meat had to be salted in-order to be kept it edible. Cold drinks on a hot summer day were a luxury for most people.

Freezer is the one who, or that which, cools or freezes, as a refrigerator, or the tub and can used in the process of freezing ice cream.


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