Nanotechnology Refrigerator

Researchers in a Finnish- Italian team (Helsinki University of Technology, Finland and Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, Italy) have observed that the electron can carry away heat.

They have built a small device where they found that heat is dissipated and therefore the device can act as a tinniest refrigerator.

Researchers from Helsinki University of Finland and Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, Italy have fabricated a tiny transistor similar to a transistor used in an IC.

Here super conducting electrodes although are similar to those used in a conventional transistor, however these electrodes are electrically insulated.

Researchers call this transistor a single electron refrigerator where the super conducting electrodes are connected to a 2mm long and 1/2 mm wide copper slab.

Another team of researchers from Singapore have also observed that heat can also carry information similar as electrons do in computers.


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